Wednesday, August 20, 2008

No sugery on Wednesday, would you be irritated if you drove down to Indy from Fort Wayne, and just as you were walking into the building you found out that surgery was canceled? And that they made the decision six hours before and "forgot" to call you? And you took more time off work as well as your spouse, so you both would be missing eight more hours of pay?? Yeah....that's what happened.
I don't care that the surgery was delayed again. Lily needs to be in the best health possible to undergo the very lengthy and serious procedure that is ahead of her. I guess she is having some bowel problems. The doctors aren't sure if it is another infection or just gas. Either way, they will not compromise Lily in any way. It would be very very bad if she developed an infection or some other problem in her gut and have chest surgery too.

So, we are playing the waiting game again. I am going back to work today and will work out the rest of the week. I'm off Friday and will be going down to Indy to visit Jen and Lily. I'm off Monday too and will be going back down then too. I hope we will find out more by then.

If you want to call Jennifer, you can leave a message on her voicemail in the room. They (Ronald McDonald House) only take calls between 9am and 9.30pm. The number is: 317-269-2247. I'm sure she would love to hear from anyone.

On Monday, Jennifer started scrap booking. She really enjoys it and I'm glad she has found something to do with her time.

Thanks for your continued support with thoughts and prayers.

Love to all,


donnbev said...

Oh Barb! I hope you are doing ok, what an emotional trying time for everyone. One thing to be thankful for is that Lily isn't aware of the rollercoaster ride:)

Lirianna said...

Hey, Barb... just read your post today... what a rollercoaster... you guys are in our thoughts a lot. Hang in there... I have come to the realization that you are one of the strongest people I have ever known.

P.S. This is Mary and Jason and our tons-o-kids on Wednesday night.