Friday, August 8, 2008


A short while after I posted the news yesterday, Lily took a turn for the worse. Her PDA finally started to close and she started having trouble breathing. The doctors decided to start giving her prostaglandins to keep the PDA open. This helped at first, but later in the evening they made the big decision to put Lily on a ventilator. I received a call at work last night at about 11.15pm letting me know that she was doing pretty well and that she had gone through the intubation without any trouble.

Today, the doctors and surgeons are meeting to formulate a plan. As of now, they are planning on doing a Norwood procedure which will make Lily's heart a one ventrical heart. Here is a link:

This procedure is a three step series of operations, all of which are very serious in nature. Please continue to keep Lily and Jennifer in your thoughts and prayers.

I will find out more later today and will pass on information as I can. Danny, Jennifer and I will be going down to Indy on Saturday and will be staying until Sunday, as of right now.

Love to all,

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